Working hard in the trenches |
Over the past two days we began a new project on making a new drainage system. In Costa Rica it rains every day for 7 months out of the year and the church did not even have a gutter. We witnessed this for ourselves as rain flooded the building and streets. We were put to work digging holes and breaking concrete making a mess. The work is very demanding but rewarding as we are get it done as a group. We are instructed by the hardest working man I've ever met, Alfredo!! He runs on 10 cups of pure Costa Rican ground coffee and is a true inspiration. Luckily we have our friend Issac who can translate somewhat for us. Getting dirty is not a choice as we stain our clothes with dirt and paint; luckily the sun has been kind to us leaving only a few people burnt. People are getting tired but spirits are still running high. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product and impact this project has on the church.
Cas balance race with kids |
Throughout the whole week, we have been sending small groups of Harvey Browners to a daycare nearby to play and even learn from the young children. However, today instead of us going to the kids, the kids came to us. The church hosted a number of kids and we assisted in playing and spending time with the children or "los ninos". There was a puppet show, a book reading, and a snack time. The most excitement came during the races we had. One race was a relay race that involved putting on a pair of shorts and a shirt that we brought that completely swallowed up the kids. Many of the little boys loved running around the room with very baggy shorts on over their school pants. The other race is what you see in the picture above. You may have done something similar by balancing an egg on a spoon and running with it,but we played the Costa Rica version. You placed a fruit called "cas" on a spoon and proceeded to run with the spoon in your mouth. All of the kids were very excited when Richard and I offered to a race, and as you can see the girl in the picture was determined to win and was off to a fast start. Playing with these kids everyday has truly been a special part of the week and it is something that all of us have truly cherished. It is amazing when you can interact with a child who is still learning not only a little English but their own language.They have been so nice and have taught us so much and that is consistent throughout all of the Costa Ricans we have met.
Hope all is well in Louisville, we are having a life-changing experience. God Bless.
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